At the heart of our community lie our hosts, whose contributions are invaluable. It doesn't matter if your home is small or large, or what resources you have to offer; the simple act of opening your doors and hearts to cyclists on their journey is an extraordinary opportunity to foster meaningful connections with people from diverse corners of the globe. 

Whether you have space to spare for pitching a tent or can provide a comfortable bed or couch for a weary traveler, your generosity and warmth will be met with heartfelt gratitude. As a host, you hold the power to choose whether a cyclist aligns with your hosting preferences and what you're able to provide. This flexibility ensures that both you and your guest can enjoy a harmonious experience. 

But beyond the tangible aspects of hospitality, there's something profound that happens when we come together over our shared love for cycling. Through these connections, our world becomes a bit smaller, yet richer in diversity. Cultural exchanges and shared experiences not only enrich the lives of cyclists and hosts but also contribute to a global tapestry of understanding and goodwill. So, as a host, you not only provide shelter but also play a vital role in weaving these threads of connection and making the world a more closely knit and compassionate place 

A group of cyclists sitting around a firepit

Hosting Setup, Hints and Tips

As a host, you have the flexibility to customize your hosting experience by listing the amenities you can provide, whether it's access to a shared kitchen, a welcoming shower, a comfortable bedroom, a space in your yard for a tent, or simply a desire to connect with fellow travelers. You're in control of your hosting journey, tailoring it to suit your preferences.  Utilizing our user-friendly calendar system, you can proactively mark your availability in advance, making it easy for potential guests to see when you're open to hosting. Keep an eye on your inbox for stay requests, where you'll have the option to either accept, decline, or engage in a message exchange with the cyclist to gather more information.  When making hosting decisions, we encourage you to take a moment to review the cyclist's profile. This helps ensure that the match aligns with your hosting preferences, promoting a more enjoyable and harmonious experience for both you and your guest. Hosting on is not just about providing a place to stay; it's about creating meaningful connections and sharing the wonderful world of cycling with kindred spirits.
Hosting Setup, Hints and Tips